Thursday, March 27, 2008

{Rated "R" Movies & Bad Language In A Book... Are They The Same?}

My question is... if you don't allow yourself to watch a rated "R" movie is it okay to read something that might be rated the same. Most people would just say NO. But the debate is, with a movie you don't have any idea that what the person is going to say or do will be bad, you can't bleep it out. With a book you probably have a pretty good idea when the bad stuff is coming. Most readers can kinda glance ahead as they are reading and know that something bad is going to be said and skip over it or think of an alternate word to put in its' place. Maybe it's just me I don't know but that is how I do it. I don't read many books that are not "good" books. However, this one I have started to read. It is about a young man recoving from a drug addiction. The story is interesting and the book is very well written but the language is hard to get past. I think the best thing about this book is that it is real life and something that people around us maybe even family or friends are or have experienced. Hopefully we don't know to many people that go through this if any at all but these young people or people of all ages are going through terrible times in their lives such as this author. I think that it is very good to be aware of all situations that we, our family, friends and even children can come across. This is a very tough world and it is only going to get worse. So in the end is it worth reading a book like this and trying to look past the language or better to just not read it at all? I think as I have grown to love to read more and more I have learned that I truly learn better by reading it and I, as a reader, feel like I can experience the situations myself without actually having to go through them. I have learned much about my faith by reading books about it in a storyfied (sp?) manner. I have learned to appreciate reading and learning more. So please tell me what you think on this subject.


Krysta said...

I can understand your point by wanting to be aware of many different situations. You do learn a lot when reading. I have learned a lot about church history from LDS fiction novels too. That has been a fun way for me to learn.

I think that reading a book that doesn't have very good language isn't as harsh as watching and hearing it in a movie, but if it gives you the same feeling then that might be the answer. You just have to listen to your instinct.

Beth Curtis said...

You know how I feel about it. You can just bleep it out and move on. the only difference is the "erotica" genre, but it was only that one :) j/k

David Curtis said...

Yeh, they are the same thing - they are both rated "R".....

Andrea said...

So... I am blog snooping. I linked to yours from Krysta. Just wanted to say hi. Your bedroom is adorable. I am glad you are blogging. Krysta said that you are going to start digi scrapbooking too. It is so addicting. Nice to see you again!!

Tonya said...

Hi Lindsey! Cute blog, its fun to see what you guys are up to! I'd have to agree with what Krysta said, and as long as it was only that one for Beth . . . :) Tell your dad he should start a blog too! Are they still moving to AZ? We are going to be the lone Utah residents!